Crypto Viewer (Trading View Clone)

This was just a fun project to try to create a Trading View clone in my freetime with realtime crypto and stock market data. The frontend is built with ReactJS and d3.js for charting. This connects to a NodeJS server using web sockets, which in turn gets live data using web sockets from the Bitstamp API.

Real World Risk

For awhile I was really into the game Risk and was also learning to do 3D mapping using CesiumJS so I took it as an opportunity to create my own version of the game using that framework and the actual countries of the world, which obviously makes the game take way longer to play! Feel free to play the game below!

Too Many Lists

Do you find yourself constantly making different lists trying to be productive, like me, but they always seem to get disorganized? Sure there are plenty of nice to-do list apps out there, but they all force you to customize each list yourself with catch-all functionality.

This app, which I’ve built from scratch, changes that. Currently with To-do’s, Reading, and an integrated Grocery / Recipe list, and more types to continually be designed and added, Every list has different functionality that is best suited for that specific type.

The frontend of the app is built on React.js, GraphQL w/ Apollo, Materialize CSS, and d3.js for transitions. hosted on Heroku.

The backend is built using Node.js w/ Express, MongoDB w/ Mongoose, Passport.js for user authentication. hosted on AWS.
